For sales and support
Call:0161 480 8800
Fast Next Day Delivery
Over 20 years of Supply, Service & Support
We Source Hard to Find and Legacy Computer Parts
Free Technical Support
Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you find the right upgrade for your system, whether it’s a laptop, desktop or even a server. If you can’t find what you are looking for, give us a call on 0161 480 8800 or email us at for assistance.
If you have any requirements including 30 day invoicing and specific part sourcing please contact us.
You can fax or email your purchase orders to,
Fax: 0870 132 6468
International: +44(0)161 480 8800
For any questions you may have related to any of our systems or products please contact our sales team by the following methods:
Phone: 0161 480 8800
International: +44(0)161 480 8800
For any questions you may have related to laptops or laptop parts please contact our sales team by the following methods:
Phone: 0161 480 8800