Be Immersed in Your Audiovisual Entertainment
HDRi Brings Your Visual Experience Up to a Brand-New Level
What’s going on in the dark area is what you really want to figure out. Intelligent clarity adjustment satisfies you with the clear and realistic details in the darkness by maintaining onscreen clarity. Stunning images come from intelligent brightness control plus emulated HDR. Every move and every image immerse you into the exhilarating cinematic world.
Engage Your Senses with Cinematic Feel
At the sight of the pictures, the movie enthusiasts feel as if they were in the cinema now. 24P cinematic frame rate feeds the eyes with the cinematic look, making you totally indulged into the movie world.
In Awe of Every Touching Moment
Be indulged in the movie world with mid-rage sounds as well as with well-defined high end sounds, right sounds intensify your immersion. Experience every striking beat with the speakers, allowing yourself to be moved.
Your Entertainment Your Way
You can decide to have your monitor display every image in your ideal way. Easy access to adjust the volume or any of your preferred settings makes you enjoy your favorite movies. Your Saturday night movie marathon will go non-stop for it’s easy to switch from PC to laptop for your desired contents with a clean work space.
Caring for Your Eyes
BenQ's industry-leading eye-care technologies reduce eye fatigue while ensuring greater user comfort after a long period of use.