Industry Colour Standard for Accurate Colour Performance
Photographers work with great demand on colour accuracy. BenQ SW321C photographer monitor achieved industry colour standard to deliver truer and accurate colours so as to relive the moment.
Colour Precision to Reproduce Original Images
The 16 bit look up table (LUT) improves RGB blending accuracy, resulting in impeccable colour reproduction and Delta E ≤ 2 in Adobe RGB and sRGB colour space renders the truest and most representative view of the original image.
Surpassing industry colour standards, BenQ has dedicated itself to evolving and developing its technologies to achieve higher level of colour accuracy in every detail.
Uniformity Technology
Achieved via delicate process utilizing high precision apparatus to meticulously fine-tune the colour and the brightness at hundreds of sub-regions on the entire screen, BenQ Uniformity Technology offers screen-wide precise colour from corner to corner for perfectly authentic and consistent viewing experiences.
Hardware Calibration Produces Consistent Image Quality
Hardware calibration allows you to adjust the monitor's internal image processing chip without changing the graphics card output data, keeping displayed images consistent with the original content without being affected by graphic card setting.
Third-Party Video Calibration Software Supported
SW321C supports the world-leading video calibration software CalMAN and LightSpace and thus gains software access to adjust display's 3D LUT, guaranteeing image accuracy and consistency at all levels.